quick guide
workout ideas
Are your zoom calls getting a bit boring? Why not hook up your iphone/ipad and spice things up with brainsparker app.
how to connect your iphone/ipad to zoom
for managers & teams:
Make your virtual meetings more creative and productive.
- fun icebreakers – pick from the imagine deck and conversation deck
- random ideas – pose the problem then pick from the ignite deck
- innovating – pick from the innovator’s deck and what if? deck
for teachers, coaches & trainers:
Bring more interaction into your virtual classroom and webinars.
- fun icebreakers – pick from the imagine deck, journal deck, and conversation deck
- self-reflection – pick from the coach’s deck, mindful deck, and gulp! deck
- expanding mindsets – pick from the what if? deck, word deck, and conversation deck
- inspiration – pick from the inspire deck, imagine deck, and quotes deck
- for kids – pick from the kids deck
with family & friends:
Now you can get to know each other a lot better! (lol)
- pick from the imagine deck, journal deck, and conversation deck
- Ask a very clear question about your current situation starting with ‘What?’ or ‘How?’ Then pick a card. What new thoughts does this spark? Then pick a few more cards and see what different ideas you get
- If you need a boost of inspiration pick from the inspire deck and let that be your theme for the day
- Go to main menu/daily spark and schedule times to receive a random prompt up to 3 times a day
- Specialist card decks you might find useful are the coach’s deck, words deck, quotes deck, positive deck, conversation deck, gulp! deck, and journal pack
- Pick a card to start your writing warm-ups
- When you need to take a break or shift gear, pick a card and just start writing
- If you’re stuck with a character, ask a question about them and then pick a card
- Pick 5 cards and turn them into a compelling dialogue
- If your plot direction is going nowhere, pick 3 cards and see where that takes you
- To embellish a scene, pick a card and somehow weave it in
- If you just want to have fun and free-write, set your timer and pick a new card every 2-3 minutes
- Specialist card decks you might find useful are writers deck, character deck, dialogue deck, mood deck, words deck, what if? deck, bloggers deck, poetry deck, gulp! deck, and journal deck
We created the free kids pack to help all the parents and teachers who are schooling their children at home and who might be stuck for fresh ideas.
- Set aside about 1 hour for your Brainsparker activity
- Shuffle the cards and then pick a card to see the activity for the day
- Play with who gets to pick the card: the best-behaved child, or you take turns, or each child picks a card and you vote
- Feel free to be super creative and tailor the activity to suit you and your children
- If you want to share your child’s creations, add the hashtag #mybrainsparker – we would love to see it!
- PS: You can play too ;)
Brainsparker creativity cards are great for using in brainstorming sessions at work to get people thinking out of the box and unlocking better ideas.
Think about the problem or challenge you’re trying to solve. Turn this into a question starting with “What?” or “How?”
- Pick a card and then brainstorm new ideas
- Pick 5 cards and use these to go off in different tangents. Then sit back and look at ways to connect and combine all your different ideas
- Put yourself in the shoes of your user or customer. Pick a number of cards and answer them from their perspective
- Reflect on all the ideas you’ve come up with. Then pick a card. How does this help you narrow them down?
- Specialist card decks you might find useful are the innovator’s deck, coach’s deck, words deck, mindful deck, conversation deck, and what if? deck
- Pick a card and use it as a theme for your journal writing this week
- Quieten your mind and pick a card. Then just start writing
- If you’re feeling low, ask a question and then pick a card. Write about how you feel
- Think about the past and then pick a card. What memory does this trigger?
- Look to the future and then pick a question card from the new year deck. Write about your answer
- Specialist card decks you might find useful are the journal deck, mood deck, coach’s deck, positive deck, conversation deck, and gulp! deck
Brainsparker creativity cards can be used by artists, designers, sculptors, film makers and photographers to get unstuck and inspired.
- Pick a card and use it as theme for the day
- If you’re feeling stuck, quieten your mind and pick a card. See where this takes you
- When you’re feeling bored, pick 3 cards and find a way to weave them into your work
- Ask a question starting with “What?” or “How?” Pick a card and notice what ideas this sparks. Pick 3 more cards using the same question
- Specialist card decks you might find useful are the photo deck, colors deck, mood deck, word deck, and positive deck
If you’d like to fuel your creative mojo every day, click on the link below to set up 3 daily spark notifications a day. You can also install our widget on your home screen!
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