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Below you’ll find the various resources we used during the lead* innovation workshop. Feel free to download these and use them with your team.

Plus, if you’d like to receive a weekly boost with helpful creative thinking tips and techniques, sign up to our free boost* email.




Get a creative boost* emailed to you every Monday designed to disrupt your thinking, shift your perspective, and inspire you to come up with new and fresh ideas.[activecampaign form=59]


free brainsparker prompt cards

Disrupt your thinking with brainsparker’s random prompts.

  • apple users can download our free brainsparker app
  • android users can sign up for a free daily spark
  • web users can select a prompt from our online card pickers

access all from here

ideas sparker wallchart

This wallchart gives you a handy overview of all the 26 creative thinking prompts.

Pin it on your wall, take it to meetings or save a photo on your phone/tablet.

And when you get stuck, just close your eyes, then randomly tap on the wall-chart and use the random prompt you select to trigger new insights and ideas.

download pdf

ideas sparker eguide

Dive a bit deeper into each of the 26 creative thinking prompts with the kickstart eGuide.

Read the short explanations and try out the coaching questions. Add your own favorite questions for each prompt as well!

Print off the eGuide or save it on your books app so it’s always there whenever you need it.

download pdf

brainsparking template

Write down your challenge in the box at the bottom left. Then use five random prompts to get your brain thinking differently.

Write down the thoughts that immediately come to mind, without overthinking or censoring.

Then sit back and see what new connections you can make.

download pdf

make your own brainsparker cards

Create your own set of random prompt cards by downloading our card template (available in regular u0026amp; large).

Get everyone involved and make it a team or group activity.

download regular pdf

download large pdf

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