introduction to spark*

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To kick off this spark* course I’d like to give you an overview of what we’re going to cover and all the things you’ll learn. I’d also like to explain in a bit more detail about how this online format works and make some recommendations about how to get the best out of this course. And then I’ll finish by explaining the action steps you will need to take to prepare for the first module.

Estimated Time = 40 mins
– video lessons (25 mins)
– taking action (15 mins)

– watch/read the content in each of the sections below
– complete the tasks for this module in “taking action
– download and complete the introduction to spark* playbook


Our world is rapidly changing especially with the advancements in technology, science and globalization. The ability to think creatively is now becoming a skill in high demand as we struggle to solve more complex problems and create new opportunities in such a fast-changing landscape.

What worked yesterday, doesn’t work today.

And what works today, won’t be what works tomorrow.

So the ability to think creatively is crucial – both now and in the future.

That’s why this spark* course has 4 main objectives:

  1. To help you turbo-boost your ability to think creatively so that you can improve things in the world around you at work, in your business, with your creative projects and even in your personal life.
  1. To help you come up with better and bolder ideas to solve problems giving you and your business an edge both in the short term as well as in the medium term
  1. To help you to overcome blocks and challenges that crop up in your path with more confidence, so that you can make things happen and get results faster
  1. To help you see past the present so that you change and improve things for the better and be someone who helps shape and pioneer the future

Integrated into the design of this spark* course are the 3 learning principles that underpin all our courses here at the brainsparker academy:

1. ability: how to think creatively by developing your:  

  • knowledge – with the latest research, theories, neuroscience and case studies
  • mindset – by adopting the beliefs and attitudes of great creative thinkers
  • skills – by learning new tools and techniques to use with yourself and in groups

2. agility: how to come up with new ideas better and faster by working on your:

  • creative speed – thinking creatively under pressure and time limits
  • creative strength – deep diving into practical skills u0026amp; techniques
  • creative flexibility – being able to adapt and apply your approach to any situation

3. sustainability: how to think creatively anytime and anywhere by introducing:

  • a daily practice – doing something that sparks your creativity every day
  • more disruption – ways to shake things up so you’re always learning something new
  • greater diversification – strategies to broaden your knowledge and expand your network

Hi there, I’m Gabriella Goddard your lead coach for this spark* course.

As a seasoned Executive Coach, Leadership Development Facilitator and published author, I have over 15 years coaching and developing leaders and managers from global multi-nationals, as well as entrepreneurs and game-changers.

Some of the companies I’ve worked with include Sanofi, Al Jazeera, Orange, Renault, Hitachi, L’Oreal, Tesco UK u0026amp; International, Heinz, Mouchel, United Utilities, Airbus, Barclays, EY, Reuters, Goldman Sachs and Panasonic.

My specialist area is in creative thinking and innovation, and this passion started many years ago when I worked as a Director of international marketing and product development in the fast-paced telecom and technology world.

Now with this spark* course I can share all this knowledge, expertize and experience with you.

And I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

“I believe the world can be a better place, and it will be your ideas that make it so. All it takes is a spark.”

Gabriella Goddard
[email protected]
Winner of 2016 Global Impact Award at the Entrepreneurs Institute

This spark* course has been particularly designed to help people boost their creative thinking capabilities at work.

  • Customer service, marketing and product development people responsible for developing creative concepts and innovative solutions
  • HR, Lu0026amp;D and talent development managers who want to foster a culture of creativity and innovation in their organization
  • Business managers who want to find innovative ways to attract more customers, deliver value and grow sales and revenue
  • Social entrepreneurs who want to find new ways to overcome today’s challenges in our society and impact the future
  • Team leaders who want to inspire and motivate their teams to come up with new ways to improve things
  • Consultants or agency creatives who need to come up with fresh ideas for clients
  • Designers, writers, artists, filmmakers who want to tap into fresh inspiration and bring a new edge to their work

Whatever your role or area of expertize, what we hope you’ll take away from this spark* course is:

    • A clear roadmap to follow that will continuously build your creative thinking abilities
    • A comprehensive toolkit of techniques you can use with yourself and in groups
    • The capability u0026amp; confidence to solve problems with more innovative solutions
    • Tactics to jolt your brain and free yourself from blocks and limiting beliefs
    • Greater self-trust to step into the unknown and take risks
    • Practical ways to foster creative collaboration with groups u0026amp; teams
    • The chance to future-proof your career and bring greater value

Up next, we’ll explore the spark* roadmap, and dive deeper into what we’ll be covering in this course.

Our spark* roadmap for this course consists of 6 modules, each one developing an important facet of your creative ability and agility.

Here’s a brief overview of what’s included in each module:

module 1: unleash your creative potential

How to look beyond “what is” and explore “what could be” in the next frontier. Discover the secret formula to unlocking your creative potential. Learn to expand your creative vision, nurture creative ideas and overcome creative resistance.

module 2: disrupt your creative brain

Understand how your creative brain works and how to re-route your neurons to make the new and unusual connections that underpin brilliant ideas. Learn how to stimulate your senses and leverage the power of cross-fertilization to trigger new thinking.

module 3: cultivate a creative mindset

How to adopt the attitudes and beliefs of great creative thinkers to open your mind and expand your thinking. Learn how to look at life through different lenses, and be inspired by the stories of people who challenged the status quo and did things differently.

module 4: ignite your creative spark

Learn practical techniques and triggers for brainstorming new and fresh ideas. Discover the S.P.A.R.K. Model and how to use it individually and in groups to stimulate your imagination, challenge assumptions and play with different perspectives.

module 5: flow with the creative process

Understand the natural creative process and how to navigate your way through the spiral of innovation using the 4i framework. Learn how to take a concept from idea to implementation using the design thinking process and apply this to a real challenge.

module 6: build your creative fitness

Explore ways to develop your creative thinking abilities over time so that you can tap into them anytime, anyway. Map out an action plan with regular daily exercises, conscious diversification of knowledge and experiences and how to be a creative catalyst for others.

We have designed this spark* course so that you can access it anytime, anywhere via an internet connection on any laptop, tablet or smartphone.

There are 6 modules, each containing video lessons, self-reflection exercises, practical activities, coaching questions, quizzes, articles and opportunities for sharing and interaction.

We really want to bring this learning to life for you and help you apply it to real problems and live situations.

So some of the spark* learning content you can access “on-demand” whenever you want, and other micro-learning moments can be delivered directly to you while you’re “on-the-go.”

on-demand learning:

  • 6 modules based on the spark* roadmap
  • access these anytime via our academy platform (internet connection required)
  • downloadable spark* playbooks for each module
  • downloadable brainsparker templates for brainstorming, doodling and writing
  • a resources section for each module with links to articles, video clips and downloads
  • 12 months access including all future updates

on-the-go learning:

  • a “monday mission” delivered to you every week with one key lesson and practical actions
  • monthly live lessons u0026amp; interviews via webinar
  • inspiration, articles and top tips delivered to you via your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn news feeds
  • micro-learning moments via the private spark* facebook group
  • random creative spark cards delivered daily to you via the brainsparker app (iOS only), Instagram and email
  • a “spark* news” newsletter with top tips and useful resources emailed to you once a month

taking action:

complete the following:

  • watch/read all the sections in this “introduction to spark*”
  • clarify and define your learning objectives
  • my inspirational quote: think about your own creative potential and find a quote that inspires you personally (or write one yourself!) Post this in the spark* facebook group with or without a photo


we also recommend:

  • buy an “ideas journal”
  • select one big project

Spark* learning objectives:

Complete the following questions in your spark* playbook or ideas journal.


The 3 most important things I want to take away from this course are:

If I was able to think more creatively, the difference it would make is:

  • for me:
  • for my team and collaborators:
  • for my business or projects:

What holds me back from thinking more creatively is:

What success looks like at the end of this course is:

To turn theory into practice, we recommend that you select one project that you can use to work on throughout this spark* course.

Ideally it’s a project that requires you to really think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.

It should also a project that you need to start implementing (either in full, or in part) within the next 12 weeks.

Download the introduction to spark* playbook here and complete the page titled “My Project.”

My Project:

The project I would like to work on throughout this spark* course is:

Project name:


The key challenge is:


The measures of success are:

Keep your finger on the pulse. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for articles, inspiration and top tips about creativity and innovation in the workplace.

Want to spark your creativity every day? Get a random brainsparker card delivered to you every day to really keep your creative juices flowing.

via app (iOS):

via instagram:

via email:

1. Download the spark* playbook:

click here: introduction to spark* playbook

2. Adobe “State of Create” Report: 


Top findings from Adobe’s “State of Create” (November 2016) report reveal that people who invest in creativity and design are more successful.

Read executive summary

Download infographic

Download full report

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