think, tap, spark!

Join over half a million creatives, coaches, managers, and educators worldwide who give their creative minds a daily workout using the brainsparker app to overcome blocks, solve problems, and spark brilliant ideas.

3.1K reviews

brainsparker - free creativity app, card decks, and courses

half a million downloads

175 countries

30+ card decks

AI Creativity Coach

as featured in

we've been sparking creative minds for over 10 years

unleash your creativity

Use the power of neurocreativity and  “associative thinking” to activate your imagination and spark fresh thinking. Tap into card decks with 1000s of coaching questions, images, words, and quotes.

feel inspired every day

Make every day an opportunity to create something new. Set up daily spark notifications to get inspired and fire up your creative mojo.

brainsparker - free creativity app, card decks, and courses
brainsparker - free creativity app, card decks, and courses

train your creative brain

Enhance your ability to solve problems with creative solutions with micro-learning courses on creative thinking, coaching skills, and innovation techniques.

get motivated on the go

Overcome blocks with just a glance. Add our widget to your home screen and download our Apple Watch app to shift your creative mindset on the go.

brainsparker - free creativity app, card decks, and courses
brainsparker - free creativity app, card decks, and courses

spice up group sessions

Use brainsparker app as a fun and interactive tool in your group meetings and team sessions. Hook your device up to a data projector, Zoom, or MS Teams.

become a vip member

Upgrade to our vip membership and unlock 25+ specialist decks, exclusive courses, monthly live sessions, and unlimited chats with our AI Coach.

chat with our ai coach

Our AI Creativity Coach  is your personal brainstorming buddy trained in our creativity methodologies. Ask for random prompts, brainteasers, and creativity challenges 24/7.

who is brainsparker for?

According to the World Economic Forum, “creative thinking” is the No.2 skill we all need in 2023, and it’s the fastest rising one too. We’re excited to support hundreds of thousands of people who want to get a head start.


Writers, artists, designers, and photographers looking to overcome blocks and get inspired.


Team leaders looking for fun and interactive ways to spark innovative thinking within their team.


Coaches, facilitators, and consultants looking for new tools to help clients unlock brilliant ideas.


Teachers, professors, and trainers looking to improve engagement and learning in the classroom.

ignite your creativity today

Instantly harness the power of coaching, neuroscience, and innovation techniques to overcome blocks, trigger fresh thinking, and spark brilliant ideas. Think of brainsparker as your pocket-sized brainstorming coach that you can tap into – anytime, anywhere. 


550K downloads  |  3.1K+ reviews

about us

The brainsparker creativity app was founded in 2013 by Gabriella Goddard, a leadership expert with 20+ experience in executive coaching, creative thinking, and leading innovation. Our mission is to ignite the creativity of over one million people across the globe and to help them bring their ideas to life.

We believe that the world can be a better place, and it will be your ideas that make it so. All it takes is a spark.

We are members of the International Coach Federation and Forbes Coaches Council, and we’re proud to be contributing to the UN SDGs for Quality Education and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

talk to us

To find out more about the brainsparker app, or if you need expert comment on creativity and innovation, please get in touch.

upgrade to the vip pass

The brainsparker app is free to download and gives you instant access to five card decks with 1000+ spark card prompts. When you upgrade to the vip pass, you can tap into 25+ more card decks on specialist topics. Here’s a taster of some of our vip card decks.

team deck

Unleash innovative thinking in your team with these 150 coaching questions.

writer's deck

Tap into 150 story starters perfect for creative writing and storytelling.

metaphor deck

Tap into 60 diverse images that can kickstart new concepts, stories, and art work.

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